Discord Messages

From neuromatch
Revision as of 08:07, 9 December 2022 by Jonny (talk | contribs)


sneakers-the-rat#wikibot22-12-09 11:34:07
sneakers-the-rat#wikibot22-12-09 11:39:41
sneakers-the-rat#technical-wg22-12-09 11:40:14

beepalabeep da beep beep Here We Go

sneakers-the-rat#wikibot is alive22-12-09 11:45:31

Beepalabeep da da deep Here We Go#Section

sneakers-the-rat#wikibot is alive22-12-09 11:46:55

Beepaleepalabeep da deep deep Here We Go#Theme Song: https://youtu.be/7hT04AB1JU4

sneakers-the-rat#technical-wg22-12-09 11:52:48

So anyway TODO Document the WikiBot

sneakers-the-rat#This is a test. Forum channels are new to discord. Let's test the features together!22-12-09 12:07:42

<@827519038120132608> also re: memory and bridging between the garden and the stream or whatever metaphor ya want, you should check out WikiBot#Purpose