
From neuromatch
Revision as of 20:24, 28 December 2022 by Jonny (talk | contribs)


sneakers-the-rat#technical-wg22-12-09 11:52:48

So anyway TODO Document the WikiBot

sneakers-the-rat#social-wg22-12-29 00:22:33

the DOI thing I think will only take an hour or two more, and then yeah will be adapting some of the WikiBot code that runs on this discord already to do an agora-like thing. I've talked to flancian about this as well a bunch of times, unifying the agora bots and making a general framework for that kind of cross platform linking

sneakers-the-rat#social-wg22-12-29 00:24:51

yes! this is definitely the idea with the WikiBot: capture links in situ for reminders and backlinks, but then have them be part of the wiki that can be curated down rather than just being the raw content of the post forever. Need to fix up the css for representing posts on the wiki to make them a little less obtrusive, but then yeah they can be hidden or collapsed once the page matures.


sneakers-the-rat#This is a test. Forum channels are new to discord. Let's test the features together!22-12-09 12:07:42

<@827519038120132608> also re: memory and bridging between the garden and the stream or whatever metaphor ya want, you should check out WikiBot#Purpose


sneakers-the-rat#wiki22-12-15 22:57:13

Mastodon/Tech WG#TODO: - Fix semantic wikilinks in the WikiBot#TODO, - Allow `:` prefixed wikilinks to link to a page without embedding the post in that page (and then ofc stripping the colon) - this would trade off with n-back wikilinks because it wouldn't make sense to archive a series of posts at the same time as not embedding the posts into a page