
From neuromatch


sneakers.the.rat#technical-wg24-01-09 02:48:18

quick aside for <@540104559079456770> if she gets a second, can u add some DNS records for meeeee??? - `A` record pointing `feeds` subdomain to `` - `A` record pointing `dev.feeds` subdomain to `` - `AAAA` pointing `feeds` subdomain to `2600:3c03::f03c:93ff:feca:b20f` - `AAAA` pointing `dev.feeds` subdomain to `2600:3c03::f03c:93ff:feca:b20f`

That's the Linode/Loomio node, not the Linode/Mastodon node, so i won't be draining resources. want to start running a dev version of paper-feeds to test against actual RSS readers and also test federation when we get to activitypub.